Something For the News: RN Reflections

Ater the riots that have been broadcasted on TV over the last couple of days, it has been overwhelming and encouraging to see 1300 young people in one room determined to change the world for good. These teenagers are channeling that passion, fervour and leadership gifting into a far greater and more worthy cause. This is my first time as a leader at Rock Nations where I have felt significantly older than the teenagers in my care. I still feel like their older sister, but I now have the ability to step-back and truly reflect on how amazing it is to see a 13 year old completely in love with Jesus. There is a real spiritual maturity that emits radiantly from people in our youth group and I feel an outstanding amount of awe and pride at what God has done through us following Liam's leadership.

Over the last couple of days, I have had the privilege of meeting up with 6 beautiful 16-year old girls. Like many of their peers, they are faced with social pressures left, right and cent, to be thin, to be fashionable, to act a certain way, to achieve a certain status. But rather than succumbing to this straight-jacket of physical and social qualities, these young women are empowered by their love for Jesus to act differently. As a result of their faithfulness, their father in heaven has clothed them in a strength and dignity beyond their years.

If you could see how much they love one another, if you could see the way they worship with such reverence and conviction, if you could hear them prophecy, if you could listen to they way they pray, if you could experience the way they place their adolescent frustrations and issues into the hands of God, then you would not, you could not doubt the existence and the supremacy of God and you would not question the significance of Jesus.

I wish these girls had more newspaper coverage, I want these young women on the front of magazines giving lifestyle advice. Their wisdom and dignity does not hinder their fun, it doesn't prevent them from feeling young and making the most out of their teenage years, rather it enriches their entire day-to-day existence. Just spending time with them has brought me so much joy, they are the prettiest, loveliest most fun-loving kind girls, I have ever had the privilege of knowing well. what's more, I know that girls like them have been sprinkled all over the globe and their male counterparts too, are seasoning the earth with their integrity and passion for Jesus. The future for the upcoming generation isn't mindless violence, it isn't debt or a lower standard of living, but rather a passionate protest for people to do good, to love one another as Jesus loved us and to align their lives with the glorious plan God has for them.

1 comment :

  1. This is how I felt for 7 days every year in South Wales
