The Next Stage of Grief

Annie and I

Trying to remember you
is like carrying water
in my hands a long distance
across sand
Stephen Dobyns


  1. such a cute photo!

  2. Such a sad but sweet poem. This photo looks like a fun carefree day :]

  3. Hello Ellis!
    I found your Blog looking for the lyrics of the song “Ice on her lashes”. I started reading and again came to the conclusion that the music often can say what we (sometimes) can not express (I love it!).

    While reading I thought much about true friendship and that made me think about how much I’m giving, how much I’m enjoying. It made me think of what mark I'm leaving.

    I just wanted you to know that I live in Argentina and your words, through this web tool, made me meditate and see otherwise.

    So, your writings are making their mark! =)

    I just want to encourage you to you to continue with your dream and remember what Jesus said: "and behold I am with you all days, until the end of the world" Mathew 28.20

    God Bless You!

