Travelspiration: Guestblogging/Questions

The astute of you may have noticed that EllieSpeaks has acquired a somewhat travelling spirit. I have always intended for this blog to grow alongside me and seeing as I am currently spending a year abroad, travelling to random places and trying to learn a couple of languages it only seems fitting that the content of this blog should become slightly more travel focused. I want to set up a part of my blog called Travelspiration, which will be geared towards encouraging people to travel and helping students who are planning there ERASMUS year abroad. In order to do that effectively I need YOUR HELP. I already have some posts lined up in terms of ERASMUS but if any of you are regular travellers, or live abroad or have simply travelled to place that have ultimately transformed the way you view the world then I would LOVE to hear from you and have you guest-post on this blog. 

If you're interested please contact me via email: or Twitter 

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