Ohhhhh, it was wonderful. Just wonderful! I love Paris, I now understand why people love it so much: it's so historical, classy and yet totally liveable at the same time. I NEEEEED to live there at some point in my life. Our weekend was so special in that it gave us (Laura and I) a chance to properly catch-up on life, love and future, it was a break from my heinous workload and it was really awesome to be in a place that is connected with part of my family history (my great grandmother was involved in the Salvation Army in Paris a LONG time ago) and to rekindle my love of the French language (one day I will speak it properly and make my ancestors proud!)

The following day was grey, drab and wet, so we spent most of shopping, or should I say window shopping - Paris é trop cher! We also wandered aimlessly around Monmatre, bought the standard Beret, had a coffee in the standard independent Art Gallery and managed to do a bit of Christmas Shopping before hurrying to Gard du Nord to buy postcards and the farewell Macaroons. I really didn't want to leave. I'm so glad I bought that massive Paris poster and the Fresher's Fair in October, at least I can wake up to a Parisian view every morning. I'm so pathetically desperate to go back - I want to find an apartment, speak lots of French, read Les Miserable and go to the theatre. If anyone can provide me with this opportunity, please comment below!
I returned to Bristol wonderfully rested, although a tad disorientated, as my first stop was Louis' Jelly Party but it was great to be in love with Bristol again and not frustrated by it. There's nothing like that fresh Somerset breeze and those colourful box houses to make me feel like I've come home.
Currently Listening To: Bonjour, Paris - Funny Face
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