I stand once more at the brink of a life-changing year, and I can't help but wonder anew whether New Years Eve would still be better spent at home by myself. Oh the folly of expectation! I have yet to learn my lesson that succumbing to New Year's hype, however good natured my intentions, will continue to leave me with unravelled and unsatisfying plans 7 hours before midnight. Woohoo. But let us not despair, I owe 2011 a good ringing out and this little blip will not deflate my balloon of joy just yet.
No, even though everything within me wants to slump disheartened into my PJs holding my lavender scented dinosaur, accompanied by a couple of my witty Kendrick girls to usher the New Year in with jolly hockeysticks and a good dose of Adovocat, I will push through my cynicism and feed the burning spontaneity that, in Bracknell, is so often neglected.
I'm going to splash glitter on my eyelids, pack a change of clothes and hop on that train with my Kindle and a flask of Christmas coffee. I will revel in the sights and smells of my favourite city teetering on the threshold of its next chapter, then, I will stumble through the underground with my oyster card to get to Hammersmith where I shall meet with some uni friends to attend SHIFT: an event for 20-30s who want to bring about a culture shift. Perhaps spontaneity is the veil that, tonight, cloaks my deep dissatisfaction with comfortable Christianity (apologies, over passionate, at a loss for a better expression). I am going to London tonight because nothing is going to stop me from spending New Years Eve worshipping my saviour and uniting with people who are as passionate as I am about making a difference to society. I'm not saying that those who cannot and would rather not attend said event are not life or world changers, I am merely advocating that, for myself, attending this event is a statement and a declaration of how I mean to carry on.
New Year's Eve is so often an anti-climax as the passing of time becomes more prominent and feels more relentless than ever. We turn inward to either languish in self-pity or abet our own self importance and then forward to a long or short, unachievable list of resolutions. I am insanely bored of hailing December 31st/January 1st as the genesis of new beginnings. The bible tells me that everyday is a new chapter, a fresh start, another helping of grace. So let us party, let us celebrate but let us not be afraid, let us not heap monumental significance on the coming year and place too much human expectation on poor 2012. God has gone before us and we just need to follow him step by step, day by day, minute by minute, breath by breath.
This last paragraph is exactly how I feel about new year. Thankyou for putting it until words.