Sunday Evening Post

I would like to dedicate the majority of this post to my Dad because he rocks and it's father's day so I feel obliged to do so. In all seriousness he's a fantastic man, slightly irritating, occasionally naggy and uptight, but for the most part he's a genial, humble sort of fellow and I feel so lucky to be able to call him 'Dad'. We share a love of good quality pens, bookshops, newspapers, good coffee, political discussions, jazz music, german, studying and early mornings. My Dad has been there for me in such a huge way over the past year and even though he often doesn't understand my anxious, crazy outbursts I know I can go to him for advice (usually academic - not going to lie!) He is such a man of God and his faith is so inspiring. I am so proud of the work he is doing with CAP and the way he continues to support and love us as a family. So, yeah...HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD!

In other news this week marks an exciting turning-point in my eighteenth year. From tomorrow I'm starting a personal project/challenge, I've decided not to go public about it because I'm scared of failing but hopefully in September I'll be able to write a post about the whole (successful!?) experience; then on Wednesday A-Levels will be done along with secondary education and on Thursday Summer 2010 officially starts! I am SO excited, too excited to revise (issues...) but I have lots of wonderful, whimsical adventures and activities lined up for JULY/AUGUST/SEPTEMBER. But enough of this Summer talk, I have 3 days of focused work, practice and exams to endure before I can expand on all my hopes and dreams for the next couple of months. Indeed, such a momentous week must get off to a good start and by good start I mean a well-rested Ellie J so, for now, GOODNIGHT!

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