Midsummer: Swings and SHP

The sky was so beautiful tonight and I didn't want to waste it sitting indoors revising. So, at about nine o'clock I called up my friend Phip and suggested we roadtripped our way to South Hill Park to make the most of the midsummer evening. We felt so crazy and impulsive!

There is something about South Hill Park that makes me want to cry with happiness. It holds so many gorgeous memories, in fact I feel like a piece of myself has been weaved into the walls and every-time I return it's like a secret part of me is released again. Tonight as Phip and I ran like loonies around the grounds I felt more alive than ever. I've made a pact with myself to spend as many summer evenings there as possible with my thespian friends laughing, singing and being complete fools.

I also went on a swing for the first time in like EVER. I LOVE SWINGS. The sky felt so big and open, so the higher we swung the more we felt like we could lift off and fly - MAGICAL. We then made our way back to the house to buy drinks from the cafe, then lay in the grass, took silly photos and soaked up the atmosphere. It was exactly what I needed. I only hope my summer holds more evenings such as this one.

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