Honour Spotlight: Kate Moreton

I have wanted to write one of these about Kate for a long time, probably from the moment I met her actually, but as always time and life got the better of me. More importantly I didn't feel like I knew her well enough to do her justice, but recently I've come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as knowing someone well ENOUGH, it is never enough, there is always more to learn. So here it is, why I love Kate from what I know of her and how she has impacted me so far. (I'm taking this moment now to put in a request to know her even better. Thanks.)

Firstly, Kate fascinates me. She may come across as intimidating but that's only because she is probably infinitely more interesting that you. And I love that, it challenges me. I recently read a couple of chapters of Captivating, a book about how women are created in God's image and so much of it rings true for Kate. She may not be a girly girl but she is a fiercely feminine woman of God.

There are many layers to Kate, one moment she is throwing banter (that rivals any man's) across the chaplaincy, then she might be viewing the world quietly and reflectively through her camera lens (she takes AWESOME photos!), or she might be leading a bible-study at SLOBS using REVELS (visual and nutritional aids - love 'em), or perhaps she'll be tying packets of Lovehearts to verses about guarding your heart to put on pillows, she might be running a CU weekend away, seamlessly, effortlessly and pretty much single handedly, or maybe participating in a weekend away, or she might be whizzing around on her bike or sitting in Boston Tea Party churning out wisdom to two very lost and tired cousins over iced tea.

Kate's the sort of person you can laugh with, the person you can guarantee will have brilliant ideas, the friend you can discuss theology and life with, without the fear of being shot down. In the time I have know her she has encouraged me, looked out for me, made me think about my position in life, inspired me to read my bible and forced me to buy Fairtrade chocolate (I'M ON A STUDENT BUDGET!!)

That's another thing, she has a massive heart for social justice. And she walks the talk. She doesn't churn out generic phrases to guilt-trip us all, she lives it day in, day out. It's not just third world poverty that makes her stomach churn, she is equally as passionate and gets equally angry at the poverty on the streets of Bristol - a challenge for all of us.

For me Kate is a great role model. I love it when she is open with me because I get to catch a glimpse of her inner workings and I feel so honoured and excited to know her. She has also been a companion for me in my grief, although we rarely talk about it, there is a silent peace and reassurance in knowing that she has some idea of my pain. There have been times, often in my darkest moments when she has texted me a verse that has restored my fragile faith and stopped me from feeling frightened.

Everyone who know Kate really well cherishes her. I have had numerous conversations where we have just gushed about how great Kate is. So this is a post to remind her that we love her and never, ever want to take her for granted.

P.S Kate, if you're reading this, don't hate me.

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