For all the single people who lie in bed at night and pretend to fall asleep in someone's arms. A Note:

'God gives us singleness - a season of our lives unmatched in its boundless opportunities for growth, learning and service. We find the real beauty in using our freedom to serve God with abandon' JOSHUA HARRIS

Let's go crazy. Read lots of books, travel, have a ridiculous number of friends who you meet up with a ridiculous number of times, love boys as brothers and girls as sisters, spend time with your parents, grandparents, siblings, spend your life in Starbucks writing incredibly thoughtful SINGLENESS poetry, start a blog, watch all the old movies, watch all the new movies, get up early and frolic through a grassy field then lie down in it and listen...God might be calling you to do something amazing.

I hope you find your purpose.

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