It's All About the LOVE

Floor 5 have recently started a new project. It's called THEME OF THE WEEK - we write a positive phrase in bright colours and stick it to the pin-board in the kitchen so we can all see it, then attempt to live out the next 7 days in light of it. The first one came about when a few of us decided to have a 'BOY DETOX'. The theme was 'because you're worth it' reminding us to not settle for second best and that there are more worthwhile things for us to focus on (for me and Katie it was our careers/degrees for Ellie it was make-up and London Zoo) This week was 'It's all about the love' which seems appropriate for a week that springs off from Valentine's Day.

I have only had a date for V-Day once in my life, the rest have been spent in pathetic and slightly unbearable adolescent disappointment and longing. Often the only one in my friendship group without a card or an admirer, convincing myself that no-one will ever be interested blah blah blah blah. There was one year when a group of us organised a massive sleepover, assigning each other dates and just giggling and enjoying the mush that surrounds Valentine's Day - oh to be a silly tween again!

This year I approached Valentine's Day with an overwhelming sense of contentment. The freedom and joy found in being single was a contagious concept on floor 5: by not having a date on the 14th you are free to shower EVERYONE with love. As a floor we gave each other cards, cheques of love, chocolate, home-iced biscuits and home-baked cupcakes. Bristol glowed with winter sunshine, fresh and energising and I felt happier that I have in a long time, identifying that what I long for isn't romantic love but love in general. I am so fortunate to have so many friends who love me so fully and completely.

I also realised that being single doesn't mean I have no men in my life. There are three gentlemen who make me laugh, accompany me to concerts, play house in Ikea, take goofy photos, send me books and letters, who hug me when I'm sad, who dance with me at parties and who inspire me everyday. The Jackson boys. That talented, godly, unbelievably mature and funny trio who keep my standards high and remind me that when it comes to love, second best is just not good enough.


  1. Hi Ellie, I cam across your blog when researching moving to Bristol with my husband and I love everything about it. You're an inspiring young person x

    1. Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoy the blog :-) good luck with moving to Bristol! It's a wonderful, wonderful city.
