Autumn Leaves and a Very Long-Term Friendship

There is a garden wall at the end of my road that is covered in leaves and every Autumn the whole thing glows a gorgeous red and every year I tell myself to take a picture of it, but I never do. Yesterday however, my friend Emma came round for a cup of tea to say farewell and I realised that I didn't have a recent picture of the two of us which I could pop up on my wall at university. I, of course, knew the perfect place for a photograph. So we ran down the road whilst the kettle boiled and my lovely brother Sam took some snaps of us up against this beautiful autumnal display. Emma is my oldest friend. We went to the same nursery, attended Rainbows, we phoned each other and wrote letters whilst I was living in Germany, we walked to school together everyday for 3 years sharing the trials of adolescence and listening to the music blaring out of Emma's super-cool sonywalkman phone. We were separated at sixth-form but we continued to pop round for chats and tea - lots and lots of tea. Emma is one of those friends who I know will be with me for the rest of my life. We don't talk or communicate regularly, but we don't really need to because when we see each other it's like we've never been apart - we just pick-up from where we left off. Whenever something big and scary or huge and exciting happens in our lives we always share it with one another and I'm pretty sure that's the way it's always going to be. I'm so lucky to have such a long-term friendship in my life!

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